Cenik storitev
UZ potrditev nosečnosti 50 eur
Merjenje nuhalne svetline (11.-14. teden nosečnosti) 75 eur
Merjenje nuhalne svetline (11.-14. teden nosečnosti) dvojčki 90 eur
Morfologija ploda (20-22. teden nosečnosti) 100 eur
Morfologija ploda (20-22. teden nosečnosti) dvojčki 150 eur
Ultrazvočna kontrola rasti ploda in lega ploda 70 eur
Ultrazvočna kontrola rasti ploda, dvojčki 80 eur
UZ določitev spola 50 eur
3D/4D ultrazvok v nosečnosti (+USB) 120 eur
UZ merjenje materničnega vratu 45 eur
Poporodni pregled (ginekološki pregled+UZ+posvet o kontracepciji) 100 eur
DHT 50 eur
Zapis na USB 15 eur
Bris vagine na Str. Agalactiae (PCR) 75 eur
CTG 50 eur
Rhophylac 80 eur
NIFTY Basic 350 eur
NIFTY Standard 390 eur
NIFTY Twins (dvojčki) 390 eur
NIFTY Plus 590 eur
NIFTY PRO 890 eur
Panorama osnovini 390 eur
Panorama plus 490 eur
Veracity OSNOVNI 350 eur
Veracity STANDARD 390 eur
Veracity RAZŠIRJENI 590 eur
Določitev krvne skupine ( ABO,RhD in Kell) 40 eur
Coombsov test- indirektni ICT 45 eur
Presejalni test za neinvazivno določitev genotipa RhD iz periferne krvi RhD negativnih nosečnic 100 eur
Paket prenatalnega testiranja (HBsAg, anti Treponema Pallidum-sifilis, anti Toxoplasma gondii IgG in IgM) 100 eur
Anti -Toxoplasma gondii IgG in IgM 60 eur
Hepatitis B (HBsAg)-presejalni test 25 eur
Hepatitis C (anti-HCV) presejalni test 50 eur
HIV (anti HIV+p24Ag) presejalni test 40 eur
Hemogram 15 eur
Urinski test z lističi 5 eur
Glukoza na tešče 5 eur
Železo 5 eur
Feritin 10 eur
Sifilis (VDRL/TPHA) 25 eur
Odvzem krvi iz vene 5 eur
Prihod do doma 150 eur
UZ potrditev nosečnosti 50 eur
Merjenje nuhalne svetline (11.-14. teden nosečnosti) 75 eur
Merjenje nuhalne svetline (11.-14. teden nosečnosti) dvojčki 90 eur
Morfologija ploda (20-22. teden nosečnosti) 100 eur
Morfologija ploda (20-22. teden nosečnosti) dvojčki 150 eur
Ultrazvočna kontrola rasti ploda in lega ploda 70 eur
Ultrazvočna kontrola rasti ploda, dvojčki 80 eur
UZ določitev spola 50 eur
3D/4D ultrazvok v nosečnosti (+USB) 120 eur
UZ merjenje materničnega vratu 45 eur
Poporodni pregled (ginekološki pregled+UZ+posvet o kontracepciji) 100 eur
DHT 50 eur
Zapis na USB 15 eur
Bris vagine na Str. Agalactiae (PCR) 75 eur
CTG 50 eur
Rhophylac 80 eur
NIFTY Basic 350 eur
NIFTY Standard 390 eur
NIFTY Twins (dvojčki) 390 eur
NIFTY Plus 590 eur
NIFTY PRO 890 eur
Panorama osnovini 390 eur
Panorama plus 490 eur
Veracity OSNOVNI 350 eur
Veracity STANDARD 390 eur
Veracity RAZŠIRJENI 590 eur
Določitev krvne skupine ( ABO,RhD in Kell) 40 eur
Coombsov test- indirektni ICT 45 eur
Presejalni test za neinvazivno določitev genotipa RhD iz periferne krvi RhD negativnih nosečnic 100 eur
Paket prenatalnega testiranja (HBsAg, anti Treponema Pallidum-sifilis, anti Toxoplasma gondii IgG in IgM) 100 eur
Anti -Toxoplasma gondii IgG in IgM 60 eur
Hepatitis B (HBsAg)-presejalni test 25 eur
Hepatitis C (anti-HCV) presejalni test 50 eur
HIV (anti HIV+p24Ag) presejalni test 40 eur
Hemogram 15 eur
Urinski test z lističi 5 eur
Glukoza na tešče 5 eur
Železo 5 eur
Feritin 10 eur
Sifilis (VDRL/TPHA) 25 eur
Odvzem krvi iz vene 5 eur
Prihod do doma 150 eur
Celoten ginekološki pregled rodil z odvzemom PAP brisa in UZ 140 eur
Ginekološki pregled 50 eur
Ginekološki pregled z odvzemom PAP brisa 80 eur
Ginekološki ultrazvok (2D) 60 eur
UZ pred zanositvijo (2D/3D 80 eur
PAP bris (dodatno ob drugem pregledu) 30 eur
HPV-DNA, visokorizični tipi 75 eur
Kolposkopija 80 eur
Biopsija materničnega vratu/abrazija cervikalnega kanala s histologijo 300 eur
Odstranitev polipa materničnega vratu 100 eur
Klinični pregled dojk 50 eur
Vstavitev IUD (ginekološki pregled + vstavitev IUD +UZ potrditev lege ) 160 eur
Odstranitev IUD (ginekološki pregled + odstranitev) 80 eur
Manjši kirurški poseg na zunanjem spolovilu 50 eur
Bris nožnice na patogene bakterije 80 eur
Tumorski markerji (CA-125, CEA, CA 19-9, CA 15-3) 85 eur
CA-125 40 eur
Chlamydia Trachomatis in Neiserria gonorrhoeae-DNA 100 eur
Urogenitalne mikoplazme-DNA 110 eur
Trichomonas vaginalis-DNA 90 eur
IUD (Mirena / Jaydess / Kyleena) 100 eur
Pesarji 50 eur
Vstavitev/odstranitev /toaleta pesarja 50 eur
Posvet pri specialistu do 30 min 50 eur
Drugo mnenje 150 eur
Posvet o kontracepciji ali hormonskem nadomestnem zdravljenju (vključuje merjenje tlaka in telesne teže) 50 eur
Predpis zdravila na RP/napotnica 10 eur
RR in TT 10 eur
Venisafe 250 eur
Cancer Screen BASIC 320 eur
Cancer Screen STANDARD 365 eur
Cancer screen PLUS 435 eur
Prihod do doma 150 eur
Ocena plodne sposobnosti ženske (2D/3D UZ, sono AVC + AMH+posvet) 200 eur
Test prehodnosti jajcevodov HyCoSy (histerosonosalpingografija) 200 eur
Histerosonografija (pregled maternične votline) 100 eur
Test endometrija ERA/EMMA/ ALICE 1300 eur
Test endometrija EMMA/ALICE 1100 eur
Test ERA 1000 eur
Reprognostics test 1 marker 360 eur
Reprognostics test 2 marker 460 eur
Reprognostics test 3 marker 550 eur
BCL6 + 3 markerji 600 eur
Plodna ocena moškega (spermiogram, posvet) 120 eur
Spermiogram 70 eur
MAR test 50 eur
Fragmentacija dodatno k spermiogramu 100 eur
UZ testisov 50 eur
Paket hormonov pri neplodnosti (FSH, LH, AMH, PROLAKTIN, TSH, VITAMIN D) 110 eur
FSH 15 eur
Genetski testi iz krvi na področju nepldonosti:
PAKET ONA 750 eur
PAKET ON 690 eur
PAKET PAR 1190 eur
Chlamydia Trachomatis in Neiserria gonorrhoeae 100 eur
Urogenitalne mikoplazme 110 eur
Trichomonas vaginalis 90 eur
Bris nožnice na patogene bakterije in glive 110 eur
Bris na Humani Papiloma Virus (HPV) 75 eur
Herpes virus 1 in 2 90 eur
Herpes virus 1 in 2 100 eur
Gonoreja in Klamidija 150 eur
Hepatitis B 25 eur
Hepatitis C 50 eur
HIV 40 eur
Sifilis 25 eur
In Case You Still Have Questions
What is our philosophy about medical care?
Our hospital was founded on a better model of care – one designed around patients’ needs that provides a higher level of quality and service affordably. We do this through innovative design, excellent customer service, and the efficient use of technology.
Our entire team believes in building trust-based partnerships with our patients. Rather than simply writing a prescription and sending you on your way, your primary care provider (PCP) will collaborate with you as your long-term health care advocate, help you manage your health issues and navigate complex decisions, and empower you with the knowledge and guidance you need to make positive changes. We use diagnostic tests appropriately, wary of the risk of overdiagnosis, and strive to ensure that follow-up plans are clearly understood.
Moreover, we’re focused on caring for you in a holistic manner – taking all aspects of your health and lifestyle into consideration. To help you restore and maintain optimal health, we’ve made some specialty services available to you on-site at select locations. As we grow, we’ll continue to add more services to make our care as comprehensive and effective as possible.
Your PCP at One Medical is your first point of contact for your health care needs, bringing you the peace of mind that comes from having a trusted advisor in your corner. But should you ever require a specialty consultation or hospitalization, we’ll help you make the best possible choice, and we’ll ensure a well-coordinated referral.
What Happens if i need to go to a hospital?
One Medical works with nearly all of the hospitals in the area, allowing you to go to the hospital of your choice, and we can help coordinate care as needed. If you see one of our providers and need to see a specialist for a follow up at a hospital, we can provide the referral and help coordinate the logistics. If you end up at a hospital for another reason, we can help you have all your medical records transferred , so your provider will be able to review your stay and test results and help with any needed follow up.
Do we offer urgent care?
Our primary care providers can address a wide range of urgent and acute concerns. Because we offer same-day appointment availability and 24/7 access to our clinical team, we are a great option for urgent needs. If you have a concern after-hours or are unsure whether you should go straight to an urgent care facility or the nearest emergency room, please call our office to be connected with our team.
What is Primary Care?
The term primary care refers to the kind of medical care you need first — before you get sick, before you need to see a specialist, before you need to go to a hospital. With an emphasis on family practice and internal medicine, as your primary care providers we will address your essential health needs by:
Focusing on prevention and screening
Working closely with you to plan for your health
Acting as a hub for medical information with a comprehensive, accurate and secure repository for your records
Coordinating your tests, treatments, specialist visits and hospitalizations
Providing plain-spoken guidance, insight and advice
Offering cost-effective solutions to better manage medical expenses
From preventive medicine to holistic integrative care to home remedies, we leverage the latest medical research, our collective experience and feedback from you to keep you healthy—whether you’re already in good health, suffering from a minor cold or experiencing a life-changing illness.
Above all, primary care providers offer continuity. In your quest to become and remain as healthy as possible, we are your partners for the long term.
What Should i expect from my primary care at your hospital?
We believe primary care should be the first stop in your healthcare journey; it’s where you turn for guidance and support before you get sick, before you see a specialist, and before you need to seek hospital care. Our providers combine excellent customer service with an efficient use of technology to deliver high-quality, affordable service that’s designed to fit your unique needs.
As your primary care providers (PCPs), we take your well-being seriously. With an emphasis on family practice and internal medicine, we address all your essential health needs by:
Making prevention and wellness a priority
Collaborating with you to customize the best plan that suits your individual needs and goals
Providing a comprehensive, accurate, and secure repository for all your medical information
Seamlessly coordinating your care, including tests, treatments, specialist visits, and hospitalizations
Providing easy-to-understand, accessible advice, guidance, and insight
Offering cost-effective options that empower you to prioritize your health
We leverage the latest medical research and cutting-edge technology to offer the most comprehensive primary care available. We draw upon our team’s extensive collective experience and your personal feedback to create a truly one-of-a-kind primary care experience. From preventive medicine to integrative care, we have the tools to keep you feeling your best — whether you’re already in good health, suffering from a minor cold, or facing a life-changing illness. Our primary care providers are your partners in cultivating and maintaining long-term health.
Is there an annual membership fee?
The Annual Membership Fee allows us to offer you the innovative digital health tools and value-added services that makeour clinic special.The Annual Membership Fee is paid to 1Life Healthcare, Inc., the healthcare technology and management company affiliated, that develops the digital health tools and enhanced services that One Medical offers to its members.
The Annual Membership Fee covers costs associated with access to the 1Life Healthcare proprietary technology platform, which includes such benefits as online appointment booking and online prescription renewal requests. Members who pay the Annual Membership Fee also have access to time-saving services through the One Medical Mobile App offered by 1Life, including online appointment booking, online prescription renewal requests, on-demand video visit technology, and digital access to virtual medical services on the go.
The Annual Membership Fee also covers costs associated with high-touch and value-added non-medical services including lifestyle and wellness offerings and value-added personal assistance services. The Annual Membership Fee is not a covered benefit under most health insurance plans.
Payment of the Annual Membership Fee is not a prerequisite for receiving medical care in our offices.
What insurance plans do you accept?
We accept health plans from most insurance carriers as well as Medicare. Some of the more popular plans that we accept are listed on our Insurance page, but since the list periodically changes, we encourage you to call us if you don’t see your plan.
We believe that quality health care should be accessible to everyone, so if you have a high-deductible health plan or are not insured, we also offer affordable options for working together.
How can i check and pay my bills?
You can currently access your bills through the link in emails we send about your bill. You’ll need to log in to your account from the link in the email you receive.
What can i do if i have questions about privacy and security?
We take the security and confidentiality of your personal information seriously. We follow industry best practices in software development and testing, including periodic vetting by internal and external security researchers. Your data is encrypted in transit and at rest, and our infrastructure runs on an industry-leading highly secure, HIPAA-compliant data center.
If you are a security researcher and you believe you have identified a security issue, please contact our support agents.We are committed to working with the community to verify, reproduce and respond to all legitimate reports.